Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Just because you believe...

OK, what is the deal here? Just because you believe:
  • Jesus is god
  • Allah is god
  • Joseph Smith is who-knows-what
  • the Flying Spaghetti Monster is god
Doesn't mean it is true and it doesn't mean that I have to believe.

It's YOUR God
It's YOUR rules
YOU burn in hell

From now on I am taking a position of ZERO TOLERANCE for this kind of NONSENSE. And I'm not disposed to engaging in long discussions about the Bible being the word of God. If it is then we are all FUCKED because the bible is riddled with errors. Who wants a God who doesn't know what Pi is when giving building instructions for the Temple? Who wants a God that not only tolerates slavery but gives it tacit approval and rules on slave ownership? Who wants a god that looks favorably upon a man who offered his daughters up for sex to the towns people (Lot)? Who wants a God who tortures poor Job over what is the equivalent of a bar room bet with Satan. And don't get me started on Satan. He's your devil Christians and Muslims. Don't try to pawn him off on the Pagan world. You invented him, you live with him.

Yes, you read that correctly: ZERO TOLERANCE for this kind of NONSENSE. Oh I will be happy to discuss religious issues such as the FACT that God's existence cannot be proven. Or that reincarnation is more likely to be a case of Genetic Memory. I love those kinds of discussions. But if you come up to me and tell me that I must believe in your version of Jesus Christ or I will burn in hell for eternity... expect to get your nose broken, because I have had it with this kind of BULLSHIT. Let me give you an example:

Fundamentalist Christian: Are you a betting man?
Innocent Stooge: Well, yeah. I guess so. Now and then.
FC: What is the worst team in Football? Pick a team that have virtually no chance of winning the next Superbowl.
IS: Oh, I dunno. The Colts? (Colts fans, it's just an example, don't email me on this.)
FC: OK, I will bet one trillion dollars to your 25 cents that the Colts will win the Superbowl next year. If I am wrong you get one trillion dollars. If I am right you owe me a quarter. Would you take that bet?
FC: OK, not so fast... I have a better bet. I bet eternity in Heaven with God against your measly 70-80 years of existence on earth and all you have to do is believe in Jesus as your personal saviour. Would you take that bet?

If you take that bet I have no pity for your ignorant self. Let's put me into the scenario:

Fundamentalist Christian: Are you a betting man?
Grant: You bet... so to speak.
FC: What is the worst team in Football? Pick a team that have virtually no chance of winning the next Superbowl.
G: Oh, I dunno. The Colts?
FC: OK, I will bet one trillion dollars to your 25 cents that the Colts will win the Superbowl next year. If I am wrong you get one trillion dollars. If I am right you owe me a quarter. Would you take that bet?
G: (Reaches into pocket and pulls out a quarter) You're on! Here's my quarter, show me your money.
FC: Ah.. well that's not really the point I was getting at.
G: You mean you don't have a trillion dollars?
FC: Well no, but let's move on. Instead of a trillion dollars would you bet your measly 70-80 years of existence against Eternity in Heaven with God?
G: First off, I don't consider my existence to be measly. Second off, no, I would not take that bet.
FC: Why not?
G: Because you have already shown me that you are a man who would make bets with money he doesn't have. You didn't have the trillion dollars so why would I be so foolish as to believe you could deliver eternity in Heaven with God?
(BAM! I break his nose under the provisions of my new policy of no tolerance.)

Now if you want to talk about God or the Goddess, or even my personal cosmology (which is quite extensive) squirt me an email at If you want to rant and rave at me about your stupid Christian, Muslim, Morman beliefs, get some health insurance. You're going to need it.

Next blog: the Republican party is circling the drain... get over it.

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