Friday, July 31, 2009

Management 101

Thank the Goddess that I don't have a job. Funny thing to say in this economy, but I don't miss the bosses. Oh there are a few that I'd like to meet in a dark alley with a baseball bat in my hands but most were just incompetent hacks on a power trip. I recall working for 2 different companies where management actually solicited suggestions from the computer programming staff for ideas to increase productivity. That always made me laugh out loud. Productivity, I was taught in college as an Economics Major, is a management problem and they were showing their incompetence as managers by asking the question. Another issue in the Information Technology (I.T.) world was maintenance time. We were in a departmental meeting and the manager was haranguing us about how much time we were wasting doing maintenance and insisted we reduce that time. I asked him, in front of the staff, how much time we should devote per system. I asked if 5% of my time per system was unreasonable. He said that 5% seemed about right. I said "well, I have responsibility for 20 systems. 20 times 5% is 100%. I won't be doing any new development anytime soon." POW! This particular manager was easy to sucker punch and I did it as often as possible. His way of getting back was to assign me the task of documenting every minute of everyday for the previous year. This was a 3 week vacation for me. At the end of 3 weeks of reading books in the cafeteria I would dummy up some phony data and turn it in. Nothing became of it. We both wasted an incredible amount of resources doing our little management/employee dance.

Now here's the problem in I.T. - most if not all managers were programmers who came up through the ranks and, as the Peter Principal states, rose to their level of incompetency. I.T. managers are seldom trained as managers. Oh they take a class or two but their mindset is still one of a puzzle worker and not a people guider. My father rose to his level of incompetency with IBM in the 60's and became a midlevel manager. (Yes, I was actually a second generation computer program as is my sister.) One time his team had screwed up royally and his higher ups came down on him like the proverbial ton of bricks. A sympathetic Vice President took him under wing and told my father to announce there would be a reorganization his department. My dad asked what good would that do and the V.P. said "they will have to leave you alone for at least a month in order to see if the reorg works. By that time they will have moved on to micro-managing another department and will have forgotten all about you." This is corporate America. This is also true in the public sector. Doesn't sound much better than the defunct Soviet Union does it?

So I suppose what I am saying is that we are put into adversarial roles. Labor vs. Management, Union vs. Corporate, Supervisor vs. Staff, and these roles do not add to the productivity of the enterprise. Rather they bog it down with useless bickering, resentment and the general desire to sabotage the operation. I remember signs all over the Planning Department at the County of Santa Cruz (CA) that said "The beatings will continue until moral improves." In the Air Force the enlisted guys used to have a saying "Lifers are like flies, they each shit bother people." One day I was in the First Sergeant's office and I saw a sign on the wall that said "Airmen are worthless, shiftless and lazy... but they are sneaky and must be watched every minute." We all did our part to lose the war in Vietnam.

How do we change this mess? I think we need a code of conduct for the work place. And not the reactionary rules like sexual harassment and non drug use rules we have today. What I propose is guiding principals that incorporate ideals such as every person should feel important, positive effort gets positive praise, politeness is a job requirement. Over the Holidays one year I took a seasonal job with Barnes and Noble books and they had an interesting policy. "It is corporate policy the when one employee helps another employee the helped employee must thank the helping employee." It was a simple thing really. But I watched it in action and saw that it sparked a synergistic energy between employees. Put in simpler terms, you feel like working when people are nice around you and you don't feel like working when they are not.

How hard is that to understand and why don't managers know this?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

♫ Oh, we're off to see der Führer, ♫ the wonderful Führer of OZ ♪

I've been reading a lot about the Third Reich lately. And I am especially interested in the Schutzstaffel (SS) and why they were created. Heinrich Himmler believed that he was the reincarnation of the 10th century king Heinrich (we know as Henry the Fowler) and he was assembling a Teutonic knighthood in the SS. Himmler financed expeditions to Tibet to search for the source of the so-called Aryan race. He also had SS officer Otto Rahn looking for the holy grail. So I've read about the alleged occult connections the Nazis had and the various screwball theories about Hitler being in league with evil. What I am looking for is a reason why this all happened to see if it couldn't happen here in the U.S. on some level. (Notice I didn't use the word Republican.) My search has led me to a book called "The Nazi Conscience" by Claudia Koonz. Koonze believes, as I do, that morality is not from God and is situational. Don't believe that? Take slavery. Obviously immoral and evil. Not prohibited by God in the bible, but rather received tacit approval as evidenced by the fact that God (according to the O.T.) set up rules about owning slaves. Koonz speaks of the knowledge of the Nazi mindset of what was right and what was wrong and how this knowing affected what people thought. Here is an example from that book:

The recollections of a former Hitler Youth member, Alfons Heck, illustrate how such knowledge formed moral thinking. In 1940, when Alfons watched the Gestapo take away his best friend, Heinz, and all Jews in his village, he did not say to himself, "How terrible they are arresting Jews." Having absorbed knowledge about the "Jewish menace," he said, "What a misfortune Heinz is Jewish."

Now you are probably saying to yourself, "oh come on, that could never happen here. We would never view people as impediments to progress and just discard them." Well I got news for you Sparky, here is another quote from the book about a journalist from South Dakota talking about the Native Americans:

The nobility of the Redskin is extinguished, and what few are left are a pack of whining curs who lick the hand that smites them... The Whites, by law of conquest, by justice of civilization, are master of the American continent and the best safety of the frontier settlements will be secured by the total annihilation of the few remaining Indians. Why not annihilation? Their glory has fled, their spirit broken, their manhood effaced; better that they should die than live like the miserable wretches that they are.

This journalist is better known as a writer of the series of Children's books about the Wizard of Oz. His name is L. Frank Baum.

Still think it can't happen here?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Let's all play "Where's W?"

Remember that game "Where's Waldo?" where you looked for a character in a busy world of characters doing all kinds of different things? And after hours (or days if you are me) you found Waldo buying peanuts for the elephants at the zoo or some such nonsense. Well I have a new game called "Where's W?". Try to find George W. Bush today. No fair staking out the liquor store nearest his house. Bush is as hard to pinpoint as Dick Cheney was during the Bush administration. Where the hell is he and how sober is he? And why isn't he out stumping for his party and defending his record. Is he that embarrassed about his wretched term in office?

Now speaking of Cheney, you can't swing a dead cat on television without hitting Dick. He's here, he's there, he's everywhere and mostly he is trying to explain things like why Waterboarding isn't torture. My theory is that the political winds have shifted and his little W-hand-puppet can't protect him anymore. To put it plainly, I think Dick Cheney is afraid that he could be prosecuted for war crimes. And he is going around the country telling anybody who will listen why what he did as Vice President was for the good of the country and was not illegal under U.S. law. Like waterboarding. Unfortunately waterboarding is illegal under U.S. law and international law because it is torture.

A Washington Post article (Nov. 4, 2007) tells the story of the Japanese torturing U.S. and Allied troops:

After World War II, we convicted several Japanese soldiers for waterboarding American and Allied prisoners of war. At the trial of his captors, then-Lt. Chase J. Nielsen, one of the 1942 Army Air Forces officers who flew in the Doolittle Raid and was captured by the Japanese, testified: "I was given several types of torture. . . . I was given what they call the water cure." He was asked what he felt when the Japanese soldiers poured the water. "Well, I felt more or less like I was drowning," he replied, "just gasping between life and death."

And here in the U.S. waterboarding has been found to be illegal torture as we read in that same article:

In 1983, federal prosecutors charged a Texas sheriff and three of his deputies with violating prisoners' civil rights by forcing confessions. The complaint alleged that the officers conspired to "subject prisoners to a suffocating water torture ordeal in order to coerce confessions. This generally included the placement of a towel over the nose and mouth of the prisoner and the pouring of water in the towel until the prisoner began to move, jerk, or otherwise indicate that he was suffocating and/or drowning."

The four defendants were convicted, and the sheriff was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

So clearly Cheney knew his actions to be wrong and now he's feeling cornered.

But what about W? Under his administration every Right Wing Fundamentalist whacko had the ear of the oval office. The Administration held a weekly tele-conference with 30 Evangelical Christian groups. (One of those group's leader, tom Haggard, was found to be a user of Meth and having homosexual relations with a male prostitute for YEARS.) It is these same fanatics in government that tell us this is a Christian nation and the Forefathers never intended for us to have so much drug use, fornication, and general liberal/socialist ideas. (And they'd love to be able to prove that Jesus was a Republican.)

At the end of the Bush administration the Republican party melted down. There were comments like "Rush Limbaugh is the titular head of the Republican party". Rush soon went on his show and "resigned" as titular head and said that he was, rather, the moral leader of the party. I guess 3 divorces and addiction to opiates qualifies you for that.

Now it seems you can't turn around without finding out about some Republican leader getting caught with his pants down around his ankles receiving what is legally known as sodomy from young men or women. Or having an affair in a foreign country. Or divorcing your dying wife so you can take up with a younger, prettier woman. As a class of individuals Republicans rival Catholic Priests.

So go ahead and define "natural born citizen" as somebody who's parents were both natural born citizens and were all born on U.S. soil... and just overlook the fact that the math doesn't work and demand that Obama produce a birth certificate to prove he is qualified to be president. Nobody in their right mind is paying any attention to your pathetic nonsense.

So go ahead and call Health Care reform Socialism and say that it is just the first step on the slippery slope towards Communism.

So go ahead and tell us that there need to be tax cuts and less regulation so the Bernie Madoffs off this country can rob and steal with impunity. What do you care, you still have your Enron stocks to fall back on don't you?

So go ahead and tell us how the United States is no longer the kind of country you believe in since November 2008. But allow me to resurrect a bumper sticker from the late 1960's "America - Love it or Leave it" and take W with you if you can find the drunken sot.

Just because you believe...

OK, what is the deal here? Just because you believe:
  • Jesus is god
  • Allah is god
  • Joseph Smith is who-knows-what
  • the Flying Spaghetti Monster is god
Doesn't mean it is true and it doesn't mean that I have to believe.

It's YOUR God
It's YOUR rules
YOU burn in hell

From now on I am taking a position of ZERO TOLERANCE for this kind of NONSENSE. And I'm not disposed to engaging in long discussions about the Bible being the word of God. If it is then we are all FUCKED because the bible is riddled with errors. Who wants a God who doesn't know what Pi is when giving building instructions for the Temple? Who wants a God that not only tolerates slavery but gives it tacit approval and rules on slave ownership? Who wants a god that looks favorably upon a man who offered his daughters up for sex to the towns people (Lot)? Who wants a God who tortures poor Job over what is the equivalent of a bar room bet with Satan. And don't get me started on Satan. He's your devil Christians and Muslims. Don't try to pawn him off on the Pagan world. You invented him, you live with him.

Yes, you read that correctly: ZERO TOLERANCE for this kind of NONSENSE. Oh I will be happy to discuss religious issues such as the FACT that God's existence cannot be proven. Or that reincarnation is more likely to be a case of Genetic Memory. I love those kinds of discussions. But if you come up to me and tell me that I must believe in your version of Jesus Christ or I will burn in hell for eternity... expect to get your nose broken, because I have had it with this kind of BULLSHIT. Let me give you an example:

Fundamentalist Christian: Are you a betting man?
Innocent Stooge: Well, yeah. I guess so. Now and then.
FC: What is the worst team in Football? Pick a team that have virtually no chance of winning the next Superbowl.
IS: Oh, I dunno. The Colts? (Colts fans, it's just an example, don't email me on this.)
FC: OK, I will bet one trillion dollars to your 25 cents that the Colts will win the Superbowl next year. If I am wrong you get one trillion dollars. If I am right you owe me a quarter. Would you take that bet?
FC: OK, not so fast... I have a better bet. I bet eternity in Heaven with God against your measly 70-80 years of existence on earth and all you have to do is believe in Jesus as your personal saviour. Would you take that bet?

If you take that bet I have no pity for your ignorant self. Let's put me into the scenario:

Fundamentalist Christian: Are you a betting man?
Grant: You bet... so to speak.
FC: What is the worst team in Football? Pick a team that have virtually no chance of winning the next Superbowl.
G: Oh, I dunno. The Colts?
FC: OK, I will bet one trillion dollars to your 25 cents that the Colts will win the Superbowl next year. If I am wrong you get one trillion dollars. If I am right you owe me a quarter. Would you take that bet?
G: (Reaches into pocket and pulls out a quarter) You're on! Here's my quarter, show me your money.
FC: Ah.. well that's not really the point I was getting at.
G: You mean you don't have a trillion dollars?
FC: Well no, but let's move on. Instead of a trillion dollars would you bet your measly 70-80 years of existence against Eternity in Heaven with God?
G: First off, I don't consider my existence to be measly. Second off, no, I would not take that bet.
FC: Why not?
G: Because you have already shown me that you are a man who would make bets with money he doesn't have. You didn't have the trillion dollars so why would I be so foolish as to believe you could deliver eternity in Heaven with God?
(BAM! I break his nose under the provisions of my new policy of no tolerance.)

Now if you want to talk about God or the Goddess, or even my personal cosmology (which is quite extensive) squirt me an email at If you want to rant and rave at me about your stupid Christian, Muslim, Morman beliefs, get some health insurance. You're going to need it.

Next blog: the Republican party is circling the drain... get over it.